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Knowing WHO you are is the first step towards


Now Available for Coaching & Professional Development

On Purpose

On Purpose Planning and Consulting exists to help you, the influential leader, in education, corporate, small business, or the faith-based organization' to increase effectiveness, awareness, and leadership with vulnerability and clarity. I seek to empower you toward success and a better future. 


This will help you set a foundation towards a lasting, sustainable, and transformative change that affects not only you and the organization but the community you live in!

Coach Joaniebop

Practical Improvement Offerings Customized just for YOU!

Who Benefits from this?

Simple - the intentional, influential and impactful leaders, who want purposeful, practical, and clear actionable strategies, towards exponential growth and transformation 

Pete Seeger

"If I've got a talent, it's for picking the right song at the right time for the right audience. And I can always get people to sing with me."

  • 1 to 1 Coaching

  • Executive Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Small Groups

  • Masterminds​

  • Professional Development

Want Transformative Change?

It all starts with a Consult, Click the Link Below

  • Curriculum Development

  • Strategy Sessions

  • Workshops

  • Conference Speaking

  • TedTalks

  • Targeted Trainings

On Purpose Planning Systems
Grab your Resources for Change

Check out what

Clients have to say

I know you want change, don't go alone

Let me come alongside you

Blue Skies


Virtual Coaching

Personal and customized action plans to get you leveled up to your NEXT step. 

You will have weekly engagements, and a Coach that actually does life WITH you, not for you. 

You will be challenged, equipped, and prepared for this season and your future endeavours with On Purpose Coaching.


Professional Development

Enlisting On Purpose will bring about fully equipped, empowered, and trained staffing, which then will be capable of enriching the teachers and students for success in daily activities.

This training and coaching will not only be informative, but interactive, engaging, and thought provoking where participants can walk away and say, “I got it,” not that I gave it to them.


Operational Excellence Support

Without a process we don't know what we are doing according to Edward Deming, Quality Improvement Guru, and here at On Purpose we believe in just that! 

It's important to identify where the organization is if it is to measure improvement going forward. 

This Contracting  work is to help to identify the current state, cast vision for the future state and then to work our way back to understand with clarity the gaps preventing  real and tangible impact. 

How Can I Help?


So much to do and never enough time to do it huh? 

We can have it all, just not at the same time. 

So instead of trying to do it all at once...the events, assignments, tasks, meetings, practice, small groups, you name it,

into a 24HR block, 

Remember this:

Consistency + Intentionality 

increases our capacity over time.


Coach Joaniebop

I desire to see the best version of you come to life!

Be You On Purpose, They'll Adapt

Blue Skies

"One of the most defining realizations of this life journey was learning that I wasn’t meant to do life alone. I needed other people—friends, mentors and leaders who could love me into the woman God always meant for me to be."

Coach Joaniebop

OPPC Focus

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Beaver, PA


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Coach|Atmosphere Shifter|Problem Solver|Challenger|Activator|Deliverer

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